
Admission requirements for International Applicants

I. Application period

Foreign citizens may apply the documents in the following period:

  • for citizens of Kazakhstan, Byelorussia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan - from June 20 to July 10;
  • for foreign citizens enrolling on payment for study contracts by person or company - from June 20 to August 15;
  • for foreign citizens enrolling on payment for study contracts by person or company but have not come for any of several reasons by a specified date – is established by order of the Rector.

II. List of documents required for entering the University

The applicants need to submit the following documents to the Admission Committee:

  1. Identity document with confirmation of citizenship and its notarized translation into Russian.
  2. Original (or a copy ) of the educational certificate and its applications to be recognized in the Russian Federation at a level not lower that general secondary education with its notarized translation into Russian.
  3. 4 photos (3cm x 4cm).
  4. Original (or copy) of the medical certificate obtained in the Russian Federation.
  5. Copy of the entry visa to the Russian Federation (if a foreign citizen has arrived to the Russian Federation under the entry visa);
  6. Migration card with a registration mark for citizens with the right to enter the Russian Federation without visa.

All translations into Russian should be done to a name and a surname specified in entry visa.

IMPORTANT: The Russian Federation recognizes overseas degrees and (or) qualifications subject to international agreements on mutual recognition, as well as documents issued by foreign educational institutions, the list of which is set by the Government of the Russian Federation (with indication of equivalence of obtained degree and (or) qualification to degrees and (or) qualifications obtained in the Russian Federation).

Otherwise, a certificate of recognition of overseas education is required.

Please, refer to: www.nic.gov.ru/en.

IMPORTANT: A medical certificate must contain results of the health checkup in accordance with the list of medical specialists, laboratory tests and instrumental examinations specified by the regulation of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2011 N32n "Approval of the lists of occupational hazards and works, which require compulsory initial and subsequent health checkup sand the Rules of conducting compulsory initial and subsequent health checkups for workers performing difficult work or working in hazardous conditions“.

III. Entrance tests

The form and the list of entrance tests for foreign citizens are determined and organized according to admission of citizens of Russian Federation to the University.

Specialty Entrance tests
31.05.01 "General Medicine"
31.05.02 "Pediatrics"
32.05.01 "Preventive Medicine"
31.05.03 "Dentistry"
33.05.01 "Pharmacy"
1. Russian language
2. Chemistry
3. Biology
37.05.01 "Clinical Psychology" 1. Russian language
2. Chemistry
3. Maths

Foreign citizens for training in the University at the expense of corresponding budget take written entrance exams, foreign citizens for education on the basis of contracts with payment of cost pass through computer testing.

IV. Enrollment

Enrollment of foreign citizens for study under contracts with payment of cost for education (tuition fee) done by physical and (or) legal persons is carried out within the timeframe till August 15.