
History of International Education at SSMU.

On May 31, 1992, order No. 124-O “On the organization of new structural media divisions for international cooperation” was issued, according to which, due to intensified international work, the Preparatory Department, the Dean’s Office for Work with International Students and the Department of Russian for International Students were established at the University.

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The first dean of the office for work with foreign students was Natalia I. Kudryashova, who at the same time headed the Department of Russian for International Students. It was Professor Kudryashova who organized the academic process and the life of the "first wave" of internationals, i.e. ​​50 foreign students who arrived from India. An expert in her job, an excellent methodologist, a wonderful leader, a keen and responsive person, she was like a mother to foreign students. Natalya Kudryashova headed the dean's office until she passed away in 2000. Dr. Kudryashova was awarded for her services in the sphere of higher and professional education with the badge of "Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education in Russia".

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At that time more than 300 students from different countries (mainly from the Near East) studied at the University. It is worth noting that the majority of them subsequently received certification of their degrees from SSMU in their home countries. This speaks to the high level of education which they received at SSMU.

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From 2002 to 2021, the dean's office was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Elena V. Mikhailova. Starting from the academic year 2003-2004, SSMU began to rapidly develop its programs for teaching international students. The high degree of our graduates' education and qualification (upheld by their success at national exams in their home countries around the world) earned a particular interest in our University.


Another important factor in these developments was that the University leadership was (and still is) constantly searching for and employing innovative forms of education. In the academic year 2003-2004, the branch entitled "English-Media" was opened. In the "English-Media" program, classes in the major 31.05.01 "General Medicine" are taught partially in English. This type of services is widely demanded in today's modern and highly competitive market.

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On November 1, 2021, as part of the restructuring, the dean's office for work with foreign students ceased to exist. The Department of International Education, which is part of the International Cooperation Office, was established in its place.


Currently, more than 1,000 foreign citizens from more than 60 countries receive training in the Department under the programs of Higher Professional Education and the Preparatory Course for Foreign Citizens.

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Starting from the academic year 2021-2022, the University expanded the range of educational services, which are provided with some of the classes taught in foreign languages. New departments were opened, a department with classes partially taught in English in the major 31.05.03 "Dentistry", and a department with classes taught partially in French in the specialty 33.05.01 "Pharmacy".

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