
Faculty of Pharmacy

Faculty of Pharmacy

The Faculty of Pharmacy is one of the youngest faculties of Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky. For over 10 years, it has been training highly qualified specialists with higher pharmaceutical education – pharmacists. The Faculty’s graduates are in high demand in various professional areas: production (pharmacy and pharmaceutical production), organizational management, control and licensing (licensing, certification, registration), outreach and awareness-raising (teaching and medical representative activities), research in the area of general pharmaceutical practice (pharmacy chains). The Faculty’s graduates have an almost 100 percent employment rate.

The Faculty of Pharmacy has its own modern training facilities (SSMU Block 6) where the major departments are located: the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biotechnology, the Department of Pharmacology, the Department of General and Bioorganic Chemistry, the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, as well as a laboratory for research and quality control of medicines, equipped with modern analytical equipment (gas and liquid chromatography, UV spectrophotometer, infrared spectrometer, etc.). Students are able to use this equipment during practical classes and on-site practice. The Department of General Biology, Botany and Pharmacognosy (SSMU Block 2) operates a scientific and educational phytochemical laboratory and conducts research on the effects of drugs on biological objects.

The 5-year program includes 6 educational practices and 4 on-site practices (in botany, pharmacognosy, factory and drugstore pharmaceutical technology, quality control of dosage forms, standardization of plant raw materials, management and organization of pharmacy). These practical trainings provide students with the knowledge and expertise necessary to work in any professional area.

Professors actively use progressive forms of instruction: situational and problem tasks, business games, competitions, inter-institutional Internet conferences. The Faculty’s teaching staff actively uses new information technologies, such as electronic textbooks, training programs, and video presentations, in the classroom.

The Faculty’s departments have modern equipment necessary to perform laboratory work on the level required by the State Educational Standard. The Faculty’s equipment is constantly brought up to date.

Many students of the Faculty conduct scientific research, participate in different conferences, publish their papers in journals and periodicals, and conduct experimental research projects. The most successful students defend thesis projects and complete the final stage of the certifying examination. The Faculty’s team takes part in Russian pharmaceutical competitions; after their debut in 2008 in Moscow, the team was awarded the first prize in the contest in Pharmacoeconomics.

Upon completing their program, graduates can obtain the basic speciality after a one-year internship program in Management and Economics of Pharmacy.

With the continuing growth of the pharmaceutical market, there is a lot of demand for qualified pharmacists. Following the federal development strategy for the pharmaceutical industry by 2020, the medical positions most in demand are specialists in the production of drugs, clinical research, pharma safety, pharmaeconomics, and pharmacovigilance.

Dean of the faculty: A. V. Eremin, PhD (Medicine), Associate Professor.