
Official invitation to study at Saratov State Medical University

Official invitation for arrival in the Russian Federation registered according to the Federal Law, established by the Federal Organ of Executive Power gives a right for a foreign citizen to get visa for staying in the Russian Federation in the embassy of the native country.

For invitation registration to study at Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky it shall be necessary to provide the following set of documents to the Department of International Academic Mobility:

  • petition for invitation registration;

  • application form

  • a copy of the identity document of invited foreign citizen (passport) the validity of which, as a rule, should not expire earlier than 18 months from the date of multiple-study visa receiving.

  • a copy of a certificate of previous education legalized in the established order with a list of subjects and marks.

All the required documents should be sent by e-mail: pvs.sgmu@rambler.ru.

First name, middle name and last name in the identity document of invited foreign citizen (passport) should be the same as in the documents of education.

Invitation registration will not take over 30 days in condition if all the necessary documents are registered properly.
